The NL Premier League (formerly PYL) is a province-wide club league with U12, U13, U15 and U17 age divisions. This is for players who have stronger technical & athletic ability and heightened interest in the sport. Players are selected for Premier League teams after try-outs that happen in the fall of each year.
Feildians supports & encourages our multi-sport athletes. We try and accommodate the most likely clashes when scheduling our practices & do not have strict attendance requirements as a pre-requisite to play with the club. Many of our players also play competitive hockey, volleyball, basketball, baseball etc.
Typical Premier League players are highly motivated.
We understand that players may miss practices and games due to vacations, sickness or family circumstances. Outside of this, it is expected that they attend all training sessions & games, with team managers being notified of all absences.
Indoor season (November to April)
Outdoor season (May to August)
End of Year Fun Day
Feildian Grounds
2024 End of Year Celebration!